[V8] New Silver '90

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Oct 15 21:12:01 PDT 2009

"Seamus O'Carey" <cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com> writes:

> If I
> stab hard at the brakes, they'll engage for a second near the top of 
> the
> pedal, but then it immediately goes soft and doesn't engage again 
> until it's
> near the floor.  If I press slowly on the pedal it behaves the same, 
> except
> for it doesn't have the initial grab at the top of the pedal.  Does 
> that
> sound like the notorious failing bomb trouble?
> Also, I can't find the recent brake bomb discussion in the archives. 
>  Can
> someone point me in the right direction or remember what the 
> discussion
> subject was?  ><

Sounds more like a bad master cylinder.  

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