[V8] Audi V8 Factory Bose stuff

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 22:37:03 PDT 2009

If anyone is looking for speakers and amps, I've removed them from my car.
I don't have the head unit, though, and all I can tell ya is the speakers
make noise, but they were wired into an aftermarket head unit by a tool bag
and never worked right for me, anyway.
Ok, so they played music, but very poorly because of not being wired in with
the amps they required.  probably a bad thing.

My asking price is at least a whole lot of nothing + Shipping,   which I
assume is going to be quite a bit, but if for some reason you fancy 18yr old
sound equipment, I have no problem sending them your way!

Oh, I am unfortunately missing one of the amps!  The rear deck only has one,
as the other was removed by someone, other than me!


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