[V8] no start

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Fri Sep 4 00:47:20 PDT 2009

Mike Del Tergo schrieb:
> Starter fluid working would indicate fuel/ignition problem, not a reference sensor problem


a story from some time ago: Driving with my 20V (same behaviour here for 
the V8) as suddenly fuel injection/ignition is turned off. Car becomes 
slower, stops, no restart possible. Mechanic comes around with the 
starter spray, puts it in, I turn the key - ignites for the time he 
pushes the can, but that's it.

24 hours and a lot of money later we found out that we exchanged the 
timing belt counterweighting on the flywheel (totally stupid, but 
unfortunately a common practice) which broke one of the diagnostic pins 
on the backside. We heard this at that time on first start but had no 
clue what it was and the car was running well. What happened at that day 
was that I crossed a speed bump and the vibrations released the broken 
pins which were keyed in the housing. The pins started turning when hit 
by the flywheel and cut away the ignition point pin!

So this was just a matter of time and a real bunch of (bad) luck - the 
whole housing and flywheel was compeltely scratched - maybe I have a 
photo somewhere around. Anyways, long story short: After exchanging the 
fuel pump 'cause there was no fuel injection we found out that actually 
the ignition point sensor got no signal - and consequently the car 
didn't start. During driving the culprit was the pin who actually caused 
false measurements at both sensors (first the flywheel sensor, which 
caused the Motronic to require a reference value from the IP sensor and 
afterwards the ignition point sensor) when starting to take off ;).

So the symptom maybe indeed a sensor problem 'cause the Motronic turns 
the fuel injection off when those values are implausible! Nothing in the 
fault memory?



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