[V8] Power steering pump leaking

7013885254 chance9121 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 08:07:38 PDT 2009

There are deffinately rebuildkits for the pump. 
maybe 20 to 30 dollars at most.  Last I did it though you need a soecial tool sort of like a larhe one inch wide flat  lade screw driver.  We used a chisel that we ground down for it hooked uo to an impact

I'd give the rebuild a go if its not one of the inner or outer rubber seals on the banjo bolt fitting.

---- Original Message ----
From: "Curtis" <fatboy03 at gmail.com>
Date: 9/7/09 10:57 am
To: "V8 at audifans.com" <V8 at audifans.com>
Subj: [V8] Power steering pump leaking
Hey guys,
Recently Ive gotten a pretty good drip from my power steering pump.  
Doesn't seen to be leaking from the hoses or banjo bolts. It does seem  
to be leaking on the opposite side of the banjo bolts.
Is there seals on this side that go bad?

It leaked a drop or two every now and then before. But now it's a  
drip,drip,drip kinda leak. That pentosin is to freaking expensive to  
be dripping onto the griun

Is there re-build kits for this or should I just buy a new/reman pump ?

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