[V8] Intermittent ABS light and diff locking up

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Sep 14 20:32:34 PDT 2009

Well I took the Pearl car for a spin tonight after rigging up a  
starter switch.  I was turning around and noticed the left rear wheel  
was skittering like a truck in 4wd on dry pavement.....First time I  
noticed this, but after reading this post yesterday....kinda thinking  
that that severed wheel sensor wire on the rt front wheel might need  
some splicing.  The brakes, although needing some work, stop the car,  
and I figured the blinking brake symbol on the dash was just telling  
me about that wire....never realizing that the tranny was in on the  
conversation too....Last time the car really got driven was during  
our winter snow storm.  So, I'm thankful for this post, as it was  
fresh in my mind, and since I'm going to sell the Pearl car, one more  
thing on my list....Tom

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