[V8] 5spd V8 in marketplace, a few Q's
Thu Sep 17 03:25:59 PDT 2009
Scott, I have to say I'm quite surprised your backing this car. I know a
little about the pair of cars it took to make this car, as well as seen it
in person at Carlisle this past spring. I've a also met the owner, who by
his own admission , is a misuse, not a mechanic. Let me just say this. Mark
W. just sold his 91 5-spd 4.2 swapped,camed,recent head job with timing
belt, new clutch, coiloverd suspension, s4 sport interior ect ect, for
around the same money. Unfortunately, this is the economic climate we live
in to day. Seeing this v8 first hand, and knowing what the arguably best
sorted V8 5spd in the country just sold for , I have to say its not worth
his asking price. It should at the very least, have a documented timing
belt. Just my $.02
----- Original Message -----
From: <qshipq at aol.com>
To: <chance9121 at gmail.com>; <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [V8] 5spd V8 in marketplace, a few Q's
> Is this the burgandy 5spd in chicago?? If so, I supplied the 3.6 ABT
> chipped computer for it from my now detuned ex's (pun intended) '91, and
> got a few rides in it too, and have known the seller for almost 10 years
> now...? It is an original 91 vin 5spd, that had a relatively low mile 4.2
> put in it.? The the 3.6 wiring went on to the 4.2 motor.? That's the most
> common flavor in these swaps.? I have an ABT 4.2 chip in my 92 auto, and I
> know from the interest, there just aren't a lot of those around.
> A 4.2 swap into a 4.2 car is a big job, a 4.2 swap into a 3.6 is even
> bigger.? For reference, I'm sure most of those that have done this swap,
> paid more for the swap than the seller is asking for the whole car.
> I'm surprised it's still available for sale.? I can certainly attest the
> seller is a well seasoned quattro owner and decent mechanic in his own
> right.? IMO, it's priced very-right, and I could care less if it has had a
> TB service...? At that price it doesn't need to have it done from the
> sellers perspective.
> I'm hoping my first and only public post on a car for sale, doesn't set
> some sort of precedent for me.
> HTH, cheers and my .02
> Scott J
> 92 v8 4.2 ABT chipped
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NIck Miller <chance9121 at gmail.com>
> To: V8List Fans <v8 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 10:39 pm
> Subject: [V8] 5spd V8 in marketplace, a few Q's
> Not sure if this guy is on the list, but I wanted to pass this by everyone
> and see what they think.
> I haven't asked if its an original 5 speed, but if anyone would know it'd
> be
> Mr Wainwright (que entrance)
> but I have a friend who is somewhat interested. I'm thinking its a bit
> high. and am concerned about a possible
> 4.2 and 5spd swap. a lot could go wrong there.
> Anyway, the misspelling of Enhancements makes me wonder.. haha.
> So, what I've told him, is that starting where most would like to end up,
> is
> always nice.
> If it had the 4.2 wiring (double O2 sensors) with ABT chip, good exhaust,
> 3.6 manifold,
> 5speed, and a great color and nice interior, and no other quirks (no
> mention
> of the T belt job...)
> what do you guys think? Worth it?
> http://www.audifans.com/marketplace/show.php?table=pm_audifans_Cars&id=4791
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