[V8] [v8] who wants a project? (or black interior)

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 12:12:33 PDT 2009

Actually, no, its in Indiana.  Indianappolis, of all places.
That's more than a good day and a half drive from where I'm at.
Now, Perhaps one of our Chicago Listers would be able to help you out?
Thats just a few hours to the south of Chicago.

If you're truly interested, I'd talk to the guy and see how long he'd hold
onto it with payment to wait for shipping/pickup.

What me and my father did was use his F-150 and strap on a trailer, drove to
the car and loaded it up and brought her back.  That was about 700 miles one

Here's his number from the Auction   317-339-2749 ROB

And, I know there are at least 2-3 lister in Chicago, Can't remember their
names though.
Give it a shot ! (and hope this thing gets a good home, even if its in a
bunch of other cars)

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