[V8] Compression test numbers
Seamus O'Carey
cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 22:03:39 PDT 2009
I'm probably the least likely person to come up with a reasonable solutions,
however is it possible that it's an issue with the pvc system, sucking oil
into the intake and burning it that way?
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 9:31 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com
<toml99 at todomundo.com>wrote:
> Hey, well I finally got around to doing the compression test on the
> 93 Pearl as I'm thinking of selling it. It consumes a bit of oil,
> and when you jump on it, can smoke quite a bit....then other times it
> seems fine. All 8 plugs look healthy. The numbers are
> 125/130/125/130/125/125/130/125 with no change when I put some oil in
> the cylinder. My book for the 3.6 shows 145-189 new, wear limit
> 109. Just wondering if the 4.2 is the same?. There's a small weep
> of oil underneath, but nothing that actually hits the ground.
> Wondering if anyone can concieve of anywhere the oil could get right
> into the exhaust manifold, as the plugs look way too nice to be
> burning the amount of oil it's burned on a few occasions. Could it
> be sucking it right out of the exhaust guides at full throttle into
> the manifold? Didn't go thru as much oil when the girlfriend was
> driving it. Idles perfect and quieter than the other 2 cars, and
> get's up and goes on the highway(except the motorcycle behind me made
> a motion like he was holding his nose).....Hope all's well...Tom
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