[V8] PS Pump Question

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Sep 22 21:37:18 PDT 2009

You might try calling Rick at www.importpartsspec.com.

He used to rebuild these things by the truckload, but last I heard he  
ran out of the bearings and did not want to buy more because he had to  
get a big quantity, and demand has fallen off sharply for these things.
If he can not rebuild yours though, he could get you one from  
somewhere else.  He is a true wizard with German parts.  Nice guy too.
(btw, If it takes a bribe to get him to rebuild your pump, he likes  
Balvenie 12 scotch...)


On Sep 22, 2009, at 7:47 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:

> I used to always buy the Cardone calipers for the old saab as they
> were one of the few rebuilders that did them....Always was fine(I
> assumed they were Italian)...Recently I rebuilt an 87 saab for my
> girlfriend's daughter and when the Cardone calipers arrived, one had
> fallen apart in the box/was put in the box not totally assembled.  I
> got it put back together, installed them and a month later, the other
> one was weeping.  Hecho en China.....don't quite have the #1 rating
> anymore for me, but the prior 3-4 sets(15 years ago or so) were
> fine....If I was as broke as I am now, I'd probably consider  
> them....Tom
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