[V8] 200 guages in a V8
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 10:13:35 PDT 2010
Yes and no. The cluster is not a direct replacement. Gauges need to be
installed separately into the V8 cluster. The V8 clock is V8-only (200 has
voltmeter instead and digital clock in tach). Tachometer will not read
properly (5 cylinder timing vs 8 cylinder timing). That's just off the top
of my head. What's exactly wrong with your gauges, anyway?
On Apr 6, 2010 1:04 PM, "Chris Williams" <rodtheviking at yahoo.com> wrote:
Are they the same and will they work? There is a set on Vortex and would
like to make sure they will work in my V8.
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