[V8] Audi V8 DTM from Australia

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Sat Apr 10 13:28:27 PDT 2010

Hi people,

a long, long time ago an original Audi V8 DTM has been sold in 
Australia, I think over Ebay (but I'm not sure about that...). It 
reached a rather high price (>200k USD) and as far as I remember it was 
not _not_ sold back to Audi (they prefer having a replica of a DTM V8 
with UFO brakes in their museum in Ingolstadt - what starvelings they 
are...). Has anybody any clue where this car runs/is located today? Or 
to which country it was sold back in 200x?



PS.: I'm _still_ interested in brochures and catalogs. Unfortunately all 
the people became silent who offered me stuff after my first request ;)

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