[V8] Disgruntled about Audi on eBay

Roger Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Tue Apr 20 08:24:26 PDT 2010

Well, now I am curious.  So I called a company in Portland called New
England Transmission. They bought out the transmission shop that did the
transmission in my original V8, and I gave them a call.  Turns out that the
guy who answered the phone was there when my car was hauled in and
remembered it.  It was indeed the first V8 that they had ever done.  

They are still a franchised/authorized ZF transmission dealer/repair
facility and ZF itself is imported by two companies, one in Connecticut and
one out on the west coast.  What I was told is that almost everything that
is made by ZF is available almost overnight from one or the other of the two
warehousing organizations, and that ZF supports their transmissions with
little or not restrictions for OEM installations in Audi and other cars.

I know that I had ZERO interest in getting my first V8 transmission repaired
until I called the place that New England Transmission bought out, and once
they looked up the car and transmission data they knew what it was and what
to do with it. That seems the case now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Dewitt [mailto:sdewitt at stx.rr.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:05 AM
To: Roger Woodbury; V8 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V8] Disgruntled about Audi on eBay

If parts are available yes however many parts of the 5HP24 are only
available to the OEM (Audi). Try getting a torque converter case for an RS6
from ZF.

Scott Dewitt
817 939 6761

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:47 AM
To: 'Scott DeWitt' <sdewitt at stx.rr.com>; V8 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V8] Disgruntled about Audi on eBay

Then it could have likely been repaired by a ZF shop, couldn't it?


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott DeWitt [mailto:sdewitt at stx.rr.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:33 AM
To: V8 at audifans.com; Roger Woodbury
Subject: Re: [V8] Disgruntled about Audi on eBay

The RS6 gearbox is a ZF 5hp24.

---- Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> wrote: 
> Well, it's a pretty cheap way to take an international swipe at a
> manufacturer, I guess.
> But I wonder who actually made that transmission?  I suspect that it was
> Aisen or someone like that.  Doubtful that it was ZF, but it might have
> been.
> My first outing with a V8 was with a tornado red 1990 that was owned by a
> retired army major general who lived in Pennsylvania.  The car came to me
> via the Mannheim Auto Auction and was very, VERY clean (as all those cars
> are!) and had pretty low miles....less than 50k as I recall.
> The history of the car was pretty good for an auction car, and I knew
> in the front door that the nose had been hit in a sheet metal only
> Six thousand miles later, I learned the "rest" of the story: the
> transmission developed a distaste for reverse.  Entirely.
> Turns out the at the car had been hit pretty good in the nose and
> towed from the scene by the nose.  The damage was internal to the
> transmission, and according to the ZF transmission shop that fixed it,
> "someone had been inside before"...their words.
> About seven grand from door to door...the transmission guys sent a flat
> up and hauled the car to the Bangor shop.  Then hauled it to the main shop
> in Portland where the work was done.  The worst of it was that the pinion
> gear was damaged, and that part alone was almost a grand.
> Audi wanted $9000 plus exchange for a new transmission!  So rebuilding it
> was cheaper and easier.  The transmission is the same as that used in
> series BMWs and big Jaguars, PLUS the front wheel drive stuff.  The shop
> that did the work was the ONLY authorized ZF dealer in northern New
> I sold that car several months later...lost my taste for it and Audi V8's
> entirely, or so I thought.  
> So I am wondering who makes the $80,000 Audi transmission these days.  The
> last time I was in the VW dealer's I read the sticker on the window of a
> CC, and was shocked to see that the car has Japanese parts.  Just proves
> that although we beat the Axis, we just didn't kill it.
> Roger
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