[V8] My own personal Hurt Locker - a failed Bomb?

Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Tue Aug 10 05:20:00 PDT 2010

Sounds like brake pressure accumulator issues.

Try:   http://sites.google.com/site/audicqturbo/audibomb

Bryan Kamerer wrote:
> Ok, so is this a failed pressure accumulator:
> Started car today and brakes worked but rock-hard.  Brake light staying on,
>> then went off and brakes started working (more) normally with assist but not
>> fully and not at low/parking lot speed.
> I did not see this coming - I was getting no "bomb" warning from the dash
> check, and even when this was happening I ran the check function and all was
> "OK."  I have had my brake light staying on for 20 secs. or so after
> start-up; I had been thinking it was a sticky e-brake handle or that switch,
> it had done that in the past.
> Is there a blog post or such somewhere (I will go Google it; just thought
> I'd ask for the diagnosis first).
> Now that I am putting the car back on the road, it is getting even with me
> for not using it much at all the last three years.  I guess you are thinking
> how has this guy owned a V8 for 14 years and never had a bomb issue, speed
> sensor issue, etc, etc.   Guess I've been lucky and also I don't do a ton of
> miles - this things only had maybe 20k the last eight years.
> Thanks,
> Bryan
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