[V8] Subject: Re: Window operation troubleshooting

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 23 11:10:56 PDT 2010

Andy, yours definatley sounds like the wires in the boot. Pull it back a 
bit, and see what they look like. I usually end up pulling the door panel 
and the window frame off to make the repair easier, once it's determined 
that's the problem.

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: [V8] Subject: Re: Window operation troubleshooting

> My 200 has also been doing this lately.  Apparently the windows and 
> sunroof
> are on a circuit breaker (not fuse) that resets when the driver's door is
> cycled (open & close).  I've had this car for several years and it has 
> only
> recently been doing this.  I don't know what triggers it.  I actually 
> tried
> opening the door while in motion (slow) and sure enough the windows 
> started
> working again.
> HTH,
> Andy
> '91 200q20v Avant 301K miles
> '95 S6 280K miles 

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