[V8] Motronic part numbers

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Dec 16 11:26:17 PST 2010

[Tom-wouldn't the hall sender throw a code?  The V8Q doesn't really need
it to run well, worse thing that happens with a bad hall sender is a bit
of surging AFAIK.  Maybe the wires were grounding out or something?   
forgotten to re-connect the hall sender on several occasions, didn't  
notice it performance wise.]

Yeah, in my case it was the only code.  When I went to look at it,  
the distributor side of the connector was still attached to the  
harness, and hanging there.  The connector keeps those 3 tiny wires  
away from the sharp, spinning window disk, and in this case, all 3  
were severed right there....I soldered them together(PITA), and JB  
welded the connector back in.  Car fired right up, and I hadn't  
touched anything else.  Prior to that, it ran like it was missing a  
few plug wires.  Maybe I'm thinking of a different vehicle, but I  
remember reading somewhere, that no Hall signal retards the timing 20  
degrees....Anyway, in my case, the Hall sender was the culprit.


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