[V8] V8 Digest, Vol 86, Issue 13

Mark Hanman av8ruk at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 28 17:19:23 PST 2010

>    5. Motronic part numbers (Peter Littlewood)
>    6. Re: Motronic part numbers (Ed Kellock)
'' I've attempted to "blink out the codes" with a suitable LED and resistor. However instead of it flashing anything useful  at me, it simply comes on as soon as I connect it... get brighter when the ignition is switched on and then go dimmer again once the engine is running....
> Any thoughts on the ECU issue, most welcomed !!''
> Cheers
> Pete Littlewood
> I think I recall something about that the blink light bulb used should be a
> standard bulb, not an LED.  
> Ed

I used the SJM site.  I actually built my lead with 2 LEDs, wired reveres to each other, and using 680ohm resistors inline with each led.
I found that there was some illumination, residual current, with the lead connected.  But it wasn't full bright, and no codes.Checking through the notes, I found I had a fuel relay (relay #10) with a fuse holder in the top, with a fuse in position.  Removed fuse, followed procedure. ECU codes output.  Job done.No joy on the TCU though, but that's another issue...
Hope that helps.Happy new year! 		 	   		  

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