[V8] Voluptuousness, towing package, FLAPS V-8

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 16:50:43 PST 2010

Well, I went on ahead and used my super sophisticated stethoscope and I
think it sounds like the alternator.  The alternator has the most physical
vibration as well.  The compressor sounds to me like a typical ac
compressor, somewhat loud and high pitched, but no grinding or anything.
The alt sounds like a bit of  metal dragging/grinding that isn't normal, a
bit more than the brushes should make.

Anyone have experience rebuilding the alt?

The other thought is it could maybe maybe be the tensioner, or the fan
pulley.  I listened to the Fan pulley, but I don't think its the fan... hard
to say.  I listened but its hard to get close to it.

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