[V8] I wish we had more members...

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Feb 16 13:15:39 PST 2010

Ingo Rautenberg <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com> writes:

> ...and Audi would care more about us as a group.  Look what the Viper 
> Club
> was able to do:
> I can dream, can't I ?  Oh, and that holds for V8 parts, too...

Experience tells me Audi still wouldn't give a flying duck even if we
numbered in the 100's of 1000's.  Audi's interest in a car and it's
owners seems to wane as soon as a new model year comes out.  Their
interest in "heritage" only goes as far as any advantage they see in it
selling new cars.
Yahoo nuked my website with no warning.
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