[V8] Total defeat... RE: [A8] [Fwd: Re: steel bolt in aluminum]

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Sun Jan 3 17:11:49 PST 2010

Hey Kent, that Magnetic Induction thing was cool.  Think I need a car  
hoist before I plunk down $2000 for that, but I can see it saving the  
day at some point.  I just worked on a house that had the MI  
cooktop.  On the subject of corroded fasteners, It seems a good time  
to bring up the 50/50 cure.  Someone(chime in if it's you), quite a  
few years ago posted a test they did with all the "nutbuster"  
products out there.  As I recall, they took a steel plate and tapped  
a bunch of holes in it.  Then put steel bolts in and put it in the  
"tidal zone" on a nearby beach for x-amount of time.  After it was  
thoroughly corroded, they used all the usual products(PB  
blaster,Kroil,WD,Diesel etc) and used a torque wrench to see if any  
were easier to remove.  I can't remember the breakdown, but the one  
that beat all of them easily was a 50/50 mix of Acetone/ATF.  It's  
now my "go to" for anything on the boat motor.   Just watch the torch 
(or herbal vaporizer for that matter) when using the mix....Tom

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