[V8] a long drive in the V8

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Thu Jan 7 14:28:08 PST 2010

The town of Eloy (junction of I 10 and I 8 outside of Tucson has been a 
speed trap since the 60s. I had a cop chase me out of there in the mid 
70s when I was driving to Tucson in my Firebird. He sucked a valve 
trying to catch me (to tell me I had a tail light out). When his buddies 
caught up with me around Picacho Peak they were not amused. I had been 
doing a steady buck and a quarter - looked in the rear view mirror and 
saw lights getting closer...

Karl Middlebrooks wrote:
> First, thanks to the couple of folks, who have offered me a replacement set of rings for the trunk of my '93. I've been off the air for a while, and will follow up on those emails shortly.
> I'm finally back in West Texas after driving the '93 down from Oregon over the last 3 days. I was pretty well-behaved and didn't show flagrant disregard for speed limits too frequently, though I'd forgotten that in highway driving, I really have to watch my speed while driving the V8 or I'll wind up doing 90 without really realizing it. The drive was really enjoyable, and I was pleasantly surprised at the gas mileage I got on the highway; uphill in mountainous regions wasn't great, but I didn't slow to a crawl while climbing mountains like most folks, so I was happy. 
> I was thankful for clear weather; my current set of Yokohama tires is not made for snow and ice, and I'm happy to have the V8 around here. I have clients in a few surrounding towns and look forward to being able to do some serious highway driving with it. I hadn't made the drive from Oregon to Texas in a V8 before, and it was an extremely comfortable ride. A few oddball thoughts from the trip:
> 1) Arizona apparently has a statewide exhibition of their pothole collection going on right now. It's pretty fantastic.
> 2) Screw you, Nevada, for stepping down speed limits from 70 directly to 45 when approaching towns that barely merit being on a map.
> 3) I don't even want to know if the Clown Motel in Tonopah, NV has clown-themed rooms. I'm not ever, ever, ever staying there.
> 4) A brothel based out of a maroon-colored double-wide mobile home doesn't do anything for me.
> 5) I actually saw a place called S-Mart. I did not stop to ask if anyone named Ash worked there, or if they sell boomsticks.
> 6) Dunno what was going on, but I will never speed on I-10 between Phoenix and Tuscon. I lost count of cop cars after around 20 or so.
> 7) El Paso is eventually going to devour all of West Texas and some of Eastern New Mexico.
> 8) If you're moving faster than me, I'll gladly move out of your way as soon as I can. However, tailgating me will neither encourage me to go faster nor move out of your way immediately. It might encourage me to drive right next to a semi for a long while until you decide to drop back at least far enough that you can read my license plate again. 
> 9) Yes, it's an Audi. No, I don't mean that it's an A8; I know damn good and well the model name of my own car. And yes, of course, it has a V8 engine in it. 
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