[V8] No start, list of codes, AND how to send Scott D. the wiring files he needs?

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Jan 11 19:30:20 PST 2010

Awsome...isn't it great to own a car that can talk to you?.....My V8  
was the first vehicle I owned that had the ability to find the  
codes...(except for the '90 Astro ex Hilti tool van), that never had  
an issue while I owned it except for ALL the door pull's broke.  Did  
you try and switch the 2 sensor connectors.....I believe,but am not  
certain, that it's the reference sensor that tells the ECU to send  
fuel( could be wrong).  But when one of mine failed, reaching down  
and switching the plugs got me out of a parking lot while mine were  
failing.  Just for fun, give it a try....Tom

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