[V8] a long drive in the V8

Brian K. Ullrich bullrich at ullrichsys.com
Fri Jan 22 16:35:15 PST 2010

Karl, good stuff. Good to know there's another fine V8 aficionado here in
The Great State. I get to West Texas on occasion; my family has land in
Toyah. Whereabouts are you?

I recently made an 800+ mile trip from Kenosha, WI to Asheville, NC by way
for Nashville, TN in a 1990 V8. Like you, I had to watch my speed; I found
myself doing well over 95 several times.

I was also pleasantly surprised with the gas mileage. Climbing the
switchbacks in the Pisgah National Forest on I-40 ran it down some, but
there was power to spare, the ride was smooth, and she was a joy to drive.

Like you, I found many things unworthy of my attention; the only one work
noting is this: if you have plenty of gas, there is no reason to stop in
Louisville, KY.

Keep it coming, man. I got a good chuckle.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Middlebrooks [mailto:benzeenprophet at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:10 PM
To: Audi V8Q Mailing list
Subject: [V8] a long drive in the V8

First, thanks to the couple of folks, who have offered me a replacement set
of rings for the trunk of my '93. I've been off the air for a while, and
will follow up on those emails shortly.

I'm finally back in West Texas after driving the '93 down from Oregon over
the last 3 days. I was pretty well-behaved and didn't show flagrant
disregard for speed limits too frequently, though I'd forgotten that in
highway driving, I really have to watch my speed while driving the V8 or
I'll wind up doing 90 without really realizing it. The drive was really
enjoyable, and I was pleasantly surprised at the gas mileage I got on the
highway; uphill in mountainous regions wasn't great, but I didn't slow to a
crawl while climbing mountains like most folks, so I was happy. 

I was thankful for clear weather; my current set of Yokohama tires is not
made for snow and ice, and I'm happy to have the V8 around here. I have
clients in a few surrounding towns and look forward to being able to do some
serious highway driving with it. I hadn't made the drive from Oregon to
Texas in a V8 before, and it was an extremely comfortable ride. A few
oddball thoughts from the trip:

1) Arizona apparently has a statewide exhibition of their pothole collection
going on right now. It's pretty fantastic.
2) Screw you, Nevada, for stepping down speed limits from 70 directly to 45
when approaching towns that barely merit being on a map.
3) I don't even want to know if the Clown Motel in Tonopah, NV has
clown-themed rooms. I'm not ever, ever, ever staying there.
4) A brothel based out of a maroon-colored double-wide mobile home doesn't
do anything for me.
5) I actually saw a place called S-Mart. I did not stop to ask if anyone
named Ash worked there, or if they sell boomsticks.
6) Dunno what was going on, but I will never speed on I-10 between Phoenix
and Tuscon. I lost count of cop cars after around 20 or so.
7) El Paso is eventually going to devour all of West Texas and some of
Eastern New Mexico.
8) If you're moving faster than me, I'll gladly move out of your way as soon
as I can. However, tailgating me will neither encourage me to go faster nor
move out of your way immediately. It might encourage me to drive right next
to a semi for a long while until you decide to drop back at least far enough
that you can read my license plate again. 
9) Yes, it's an Audi. No, I don't mean that it's an A8; I know damn good and
well the model name of my own car. And yes, of course, it has a V8 engine in
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