[V8] COPS! No, the good kind!

Bryan Kamerer kamerer at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 15:18:39 PST 2010

> It would be interesting, and after its all installed, keeping it up would
> be
> cheaper than the cap/rotor/wires of the current V8.

I would not put that into one of the benefits of coil-overs.  We have a
Toyota Land Cruiser that is finally starting to have some miles on it.  The
regularity with which the coils fail (at $115 each) is not making it a
terribly cheaper alternative.  Also, the way that they fail - suddenly,
without warning and immediately disabling a cylinder - is not at all like a
gradual decline you might get with the older system, which usually warns you
so you can replace components.  My experiences are not unique; this is
pretty common with even the best-designed coil-over systems.


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