[V8] V8 wagon for Roger

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Jan 30 07:45:33 PST 2010

Very few Mercedes aficionados are really enamored of the 116 body style. 
That wagon is the "Harold and Maude" edition, the Pollman company made
Mercedes's into hearses.  The "wagon" was actually a hearse without the
coffin sliders, fiberglass landau roof etc.  If you look at it closely
enough, you'll see that the roof line goes up towards the rear, to
accommodate a coffin without the optional removable fiberglass roof
extender (for those sunny day last rides.)

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Dave Head <v8q at bellsouth.net> writes:
> If I were as big a Mercedes fan as I am an Audi fan I would be all 
> over 
> it. I would say it would take at least 6-7K to make it right.
> Dave Head
> Kent McLean wrote:
> > Roger likes his V8; he likes a wagon; he likes Mercedes; he likes
> > low mileage. Here's a low mileage V8 MB wagon, with Euro 
> headlights.
> > 
> > 
> > 

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