[V8] Wanted! C-Pillar trim -pass side

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Mon Jun 21 06:02:58 PDT 2010

Hi guys,
Of all the days I could have lost a piece of trim of course was the on the  
way to the German Car day show here in Mass...car looked great minus the 
trim  piece on the rear pass side (c-pillar)....oh well. Was a great Fathers 
Day none  the less....met a lot of nice folks, but didn't see enough Audis 
there :-(
So, what I need is a pearl white V8 C-pillar trim (smooth, not ribbed like  
the 5000 ones) and to clarify it is the piece that runs between the rear 
window  and the pass side window and separates the roof from the fender.
Let me know if you have one and how much $$ off list, and thanks in  

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