[V8] typewriters
D Morralee
superdaveski at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 30 06:55:53 PDT 2010
thanks Roger for the great write up ... the only class I failed in High school was typing. But to mark that Poignant event in my life I now have a 1942 typewriter sitting in my reading room .
> From: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 08:02:04 -0400
> CC: tom199 at todomundo.com
> Subject: Re: [V8] typewriters
> Made me laugh...IBM Selectric, indeed!
> Way back around the dawn of time I was required to take a typing course in
> highschool, too. In those days the typewriters were all manual typewriters
> except for six that were in the front of the classrooms and strictly
> reserved for those students planning on going to business colleges. They
> were all females, naturally.
> Well, one day one of them was ill, and I decided that I wanted to try one of
> those new electric machines. There were two IBM electrics....the ones that
> had the letters on a removable/exchangeable ball that bounced around, and
> four Royals that were just plain typewriters that worked by electricity.
> Naturally, I sat before one of the jewels in the crown, and IBM.
> I got about half way through the class before Miss Connelly saw that I, a
> mere male, was sitting at an IBM, and banished me to one of the Royals!
> There I sat through the rest of the year...yeah: for college prep the
> course went a full year, and you got to learn all the other cool stuff about
> typing...like addressing envelopes, making lists, etc, etc, etc.
> At the end of the first quarter we had learned the basics of typing, and had
> to pass a typing proficiency (speed) test. Like Tom, I too scored 130. Got
> an A for that quarter.
> The next quarter was typing forms and letters. That was sort of OK, because
> although the typing examples were to Joe Blow at Acme Eraser Company in
> Independence, Indiana (note: NO zip codes mind you! Hadn't been invented
> yet.), I always made up my own companies, individuals, addresses and so
> forth based on places that I wished that I was, rather than sitting in the
> dumb and dumber typing class. Got a B that second quarter.
> For Christmas that year, I got a used Smith Corona manual portable. It
> weighed about three tons, but it carried me all the way through college and
> graduate school. I was typing all my homework for high school then, too.
> My handwriting, never great, was hardly legible, so I just used the
> typewriter. I don't remember what we studied in the third quarter. Got a
> C.
> Forth quarter is long ago lost in the fog of failing memory. That was
> probably devoted to studying numbers. I still to this day can't type
> numbers without looking at the keyboard, but I still try to type numbers off
> the top row of the computer keyboard rather than the keypad. We never
> covered "key pad" in high school. Got a D that last quarter.
> But I can type these little diatribes to you folks to read, so I guess Miss
> Connelly can rest in her grave. The time she let me steal on that Royal
> electric typewriter wasn't totally wasted after all.
> Roger
> P.S. Oh, yeah. When I bought my first insurance business in 1978, the
> first thing I did was trade in the three old fashioned black manual
> typewriters for IBM Selectrics. Those machines had the bouncing balls too.
> Then a couple of years later they were traded in on Correcting Selectric
> III's one of which still is here at home, sitting upstairs in the loft of
> the garage. It was my own personal machine which I kept when I sold the
> business. I wonder if it still works. No bouncing ball in that one,
> though. That once was nearly space age and had some sort of memory. It's
> only about four years older than my Audi V8. (Mandatory Audi content,
> there!)
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