[V8] Power steering woes.

Lizabeth Brown mmlk23 at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 5 18:31:11 PST 2010

Hi my name is Mike.
          I am a long time member here and i havent posted anything in years.  Sorry for that.  But I need your help.  My beloved V8 developed a power steering issue some time ago.  At idle, steering is almost impossible.  There is a chatter of the drive belt slipping and the steering becomes super stiff in unison with the chatter.  Bring up the revs to 2500-3000 rpm and steering behaves normal.
     I replaced ALL the power steering lines 8 years ago.  I repalced the pump in the last 2 years, as well as the "bomb".  Just recently, I replaced the steering rack. It was leaking from every seal anyway.  I filled the system and it still had the same "chatter".  My last attempt at fixing this was pulling the resevior and cleaning it.  I even bore scoped it to look for build up. None found.  Same problem after reassembly.  Im at the end of my rope.  If somebody has seen this happen please tell me what to do.
Thank You
Mike B
Acworth Ga

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