[V8] Wheel bearings

7013885254 chance9121 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 16:07:42 PDT 2010

and as far as the bearings  I got feom autohasuaz, yes he is right.  Very bare as far as grease goes.

---- Original Message ----
From: "Tony and Lillie" <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
Date: 3/14/10 7:03 pm
To: "NIck Miller" <chance9121 at gmail.com> ; "str8ightface at hotmail.com" <str8ightface at hotmail.com>
Cc: "V8 at audifans.com" <V8 at audifans.com>
Subj: Re: [V8] Wheel bearings
I'm the one that originally suggested he do this, I've done it to hundreds of them. Every one I install on a customer car gets more grease, I believe that there is not enough grease in hardly any sealed bearing that you buy, and add grease to all of them that I can get the seals out of. That includes most idler pulleys as well. And the lawn mower deck bearings, etc, etc.

Just my .02


-----Original Message-----
>Well, they do become inservicable (so I figure) after you install them.
>However, its really quite simple and reversable to do this before you
>install the bearings.  I believe the issue comes that when you press them
>in, to get them out again you ruin the inner race.
>Either way, using a dental pick or incredibly small (glasses/comptuer) flat
>head screw driver, you just get under the lip of the seal, run it around,
>and lift gently.   There are two seals per side of the bearing.
>Then, you just add in grease.  I was, as I mentioned, blown away by how
>little there is in there.  The bearing housing has no grease, its just the
>balls and thier retainers that are just barely coated in some crummy stuff.
>I easily added 5-6times what was in each bearing.
>I highly recommend doing this to anyone who has to replace any wheel bearing
>on any make, I recently found that even the Spec Miata guys do this on Mazda
>Miata's through 05.  Which is on my to do list this week..
>On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 5:55 PM, <str8ightface at hotmail.com> wrote:

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