[V8] Shifter update and clairification

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Wed Mar 24 20:20:42 PDT 2010

I actually planned to weld the swaged (fancy work for riveted) post to the  
input clamp as part of my shifter R&R because of how loose it is, along 
with  replacing the ball and socket (have the parts NOS from Audi) on the trans 
end of  the linkage.
But I'm not in the mood to drop the trans to better the linkage till the  
clutch needs to be done, so not anytime soon due too the fact is in perfect  
I will in fact try to weld (I'm a pretty fair welder, or so I  think) the 
loose post the ball mounts onto tomorrow if I can get the MIG  gun up into 
the right spot (think I can). I plan to report how it goes to the  list. 
I wanted to do this anyways as I think that if that post got any looser it  
might disconnect from the shifter linkage end. Due to it's location I'm 
betting  50% plus of the slop is coming from there, and wishfully think this 
will shore  up the action enough to stave off dropping the trans till I really 
need to, like  for a clutch.
This is the last item on the car to be done barring the whole stereo  
switchover to get the car where I want it, so with luck this will finish the  
car's R&R and I will be able to move on to getting the race cars ready  for the 
season, which I'm tardy doing.
Anyone in NE have a 91-93 VW 2H Digifant motor they want to sell?
Thanks for the info!
Cheers, and beers!

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