[V8] Injectors/Fuel pressure

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 22:46:19 PDT 2010

Sean has helped me out a good bit with this slight project, and I found a
bit more info, so I figured I'd share.  Firstly, its not too tough to find
injectors that fit our cars, as we run a pretty common bosch injector.  Its
just the ability to control the fuel through them...
I've gone with a set of 19# injectors off of a Ford mustang.. similar to
Ebay Ford 19# injectors<http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320504178355&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT>
And now, the issue becomes I have too much fuel for the ECU to deal with
using our Stock FPR.  From Sean, this is basically what we are dealing with:

[quote]Just FYI stock fuel injectors are 14.25 lbs/hr @3bar run at 4.2 bar
they are ~17lbs/hr.  They lean out on stock chip.  With the ABT chip you go
WAY lean.  19lbs @ 3.5bar ~21lb/hr.  This is fine if you really wanted to
get the best a 3 bar is pefect, but they are not easy to find. [/quote]

So, then we need to find a Regulator in the 3-3.8 bar range, basically.
Well, here's a few nice links for a couple out there...

*bosch part no. 0 * 280 160 249
BMW, Avail. on 89 325i, other 5 and 8 series.

Bosch Part No. 0 280 160 263
Porsche, Avail on 1987 porsche 944 S, 2.5L DOHC

Also, there are a few other lists
here <http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=305611>

So, the basic Idea for me was to get a newer style injector (better idle,
mileage, power, etc I hope) and something easily available.  Good luck
getting a set of 8 professionally cleaned and tested injectors exactly for
an audi under 100 bucks.  Pretty nice deal.

Hope this helps somebody, and please, any corrections would be welcomed.

I'm still debating myself on 3.0 or 3.5, but I think the 3.0bar unit is the
ticket, unless an ABT chiped would prefer a 21lb injector rating over 19lb..
I may end up that route still.

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