[V8] C4 100 -- v8 interchange, and Front CV questions.

Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Tue May 4 20:32:37 PDT 2010

I'd like to know about the CV joints as well.  Both of the boots on the
right front axle on the my silver car are trashed.  I have new boots, but
I'm guessing by the sounds it's making the the joints themselves should be


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 8:06 PM, NIck Miller <chance9121 at gmail.com> wrote:

> So,  I have a few questions.  I sort of know the answer already, but
> whatever, going to ask anyway.
>    Ok, firstly, I need new front CV joints.  Thought I already shot this
> off from my Phone, but I guess it didn't make it to the list.  But, my
> front
> passenger side inner CV lost its ball bearings.  or, some of them.  How
> lovely.  Somehow over winter it got torn and eaten up.  So, I'm looking for
> some to rebuild.  I have a set of new boots/nuts etc for the inner/outter
> for a front set.  So I'm going to do that.   Are these CVs V8 Specfic?
> Or,
> If I take mine and a set of Audi 100 C4 shafts, can I use the center
> section
> from the v8 and the input (trans side) from the C4?  What other cv's may be
> compatible?  Thanks for the help on that one, as always, this sucks.
>     Audi 100, 94, C4 interior.   Can I take the front seats and the rear
> bottom cushion and get it into my V8?  I'd love to be able to do this, I
> have tears and worn sections on the v8's stuff.  I might even try to
> basterdise the upper v8 cushions onto the lower C4 stuff, as the upper
> section on the front seats are nice as hell.   Also, will a C4 glove box
> work?  My guess is no.   I think the seats will though, the S4 seats work,
> and that's C4.  My guess is splicing must be done for the adjusters?
> God I hate this car.  When I don't, though, I really love it.  But, god I
> hate this car.
> ~Nick
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