[V8] Leaking Steering Rack - Switch to Mobil1 Synthetic ATF?

David M daves745t at gmail.com
Wed May 5 11:10:00 PDT 2010

I know that this is the farthest thing from a new topic.... but my steering
rack is leaking pretty badly and I've put a good penny into her lately so
a new one is not an option, as I'm looking at a timing belt change next year

I've been scouring the internet and searching sites, especially this one, to
try and build a consensus for whether a flush and then switch to
Mobil1 synthetic ATF is a good thing or disaster.  Every time I think I've
got the nerve to do it, I find a post that screams, "NO, NO, NO!" and I wimp
out.  The pump was rebuilt a couple of years ago with upgraded hoses from
our friends in Washington and the last thing I need is to have the pump crap
out on me.

In the short term, I don't expect a miracle, but I'm hoping that the ATF
swells the seals a little to significantly slow the leak(s) down. And in the
long term it would be nice to just stick with the ATF and not deal with the
Pentosin anymore.

Anyone want to offer some words of encouragement and warm, fuzzy
90 Pearl

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