[V8] Transmission Problem?

eric anderson stikboy2002 at yahoo.com
Sun May 23 09:53:19 PDT 2010

Yes my 94 100 wagon has a bad ignition switch that i have to manually return to first power stage,........................horrific grinding will occur for other drivers if they are unfamiliar.

On transmission-...anyone been in there to change a cv boot....and maybe forget to torque down inner shaft bolts...??..as i know it ...1 disconnected shaft   will disable entire drive system if car is on the ground.......and that would make a terrible clatter.

--- On Sun, 5/23/10, Ed Dekker <dekkere at fuse.net> wrote:

From: Ed Dekker <dekkere at fuse.net>
Subject: Re: [V8] Transmission Problem?
To: "Peter A. Green" <peteragreen at telus.net>
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2010, 9:40 AM

    "The beast suddenly lost drive power with 'expensive' grinding noises 
from underneath the front of the car.  There was no pre-warning indication 
that anything was wrong."

    The same grinding happened with my "97 A6 Avant more than a year ago.  I 
stopped the engine immediately.  I did not try shifting gears.  Still 20 mi 
from home, I re-started the engine and the noise did not repeat.  Drove home 
and shut down.  The next startup, the noise returned.  Upon restart, no 
noise.  My wrench called it "bad ign switch".  Noise was cavitation due to a 
solenoid not open.  Noise happened a few times until we replaced the switch 
body (not the upper key lock assy).   Orig switch had badly burned contacts. 
No grinding noise since.  Anyone else have this happen with a bad ign 

     I wish I still had my 90 V8 in OH, but happy a Marine Iraq vet and his 
wife enjoy it in CA.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter A. Green" <peteragreen at telus.net>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 7:52 PM
Subject: [V8] Transmission Problem?

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