[V8] Carlisle 2010 thoughts :-)

D Morralee superdaveski at hotmail.com
Tue May 25 09:07:09 PDT 2010

well in the USA/Canada they have a laws that we have to follow. The HWY speed was 65 MPH / 104kms . big smile . In Canada(ontario) if you get caught going 150kms per hour your car is impounded and you pay some nice fines. I did run the car up to 180khm when I had the chance. Last time I was in Europe I frequently drove cars on the motorways at around the 180 mark. 
> Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 17:56:31 +0200
> From: b.homburg at web.de
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [V8] Carlisle 2010 thoughts :-)
> 85 mph is "flying" and "too fast"?
> I mean, hello... the V8 was engineered and built to effortlessly cruise 
> all day at 120+, and mine still does that very well after more than 300k 
> now. People who don't know anything about cars never guess that it's a 
> 16-year old car when riding with me.
> D Morralee wrote:
> > On the Way down to Car PA we convoyed up with a flying Audi s6 1995 , but he was going a bit too fast at 85mph.
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