[V8] Towing Capacity

Dag Bøsterud dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net
Thu Nov 4 14:09:44 PDT 2010

Here in Europe this has to do with what the manufacturer approves the car 
My 1990 Audi 100 TQ Sport is approved for towing 1700 kg (3750 lbs) when the 
trailer has brakes,
and the 92 V8 4.2 I owned a couple of years ago was approved for the same.

I know that the w124 Mercedes-Benz 300 TDT is approved for towing 5070 lbs 
(2300 kg),
and these are all similarly sized cars.

Maybe you guys in the US of A have some strange rules regarding this... :)

1990 Audi 100 TQ Sport Exklusiv

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Jager" <pjager at telus.net>
To: <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 7:32 PM
Subject: [V8] Towing Capacity

>I have a 3500 lb boat so was getting a hitch for either the Volvo V70R or
> the V8.
> Checked the V8  specs:  1500 or 2500lbs on brakes, tongue 150 lbs (or
> thereabouts)  is surprisingly low.
> I think the Porsche 928 can tow more.
> Volvo does 3500 lbs for a trailer on brakes. So it can two the ski boat.
> Must be a brakes issue for the V8. Certainly has the power to haul.
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