[V8] V8 TLC "Verboten"
Paul Jager
pjager at telus.net
Tue Nov 23 23:13:26 PST 2010
Thanks - The brake lines have been replaced but I wasn't super kind to them.
The shop manual says bleed with engine running - might be due to brake
booster or bias valving on the rears??
RR, LR, FR, FL then go back to the RR.
Also in the 4.2 engine update manual it says "More space between cylinders
without changing the length of block" (vs 3.2)
What an engine though. quite the marvel of packaging & technology, just not
enough good old fashion gaskets.
You guys see this one? Looks pretty nice.
----- Original Message -----
From: <toml99 at todomundo.com>
To: "v8audi" <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:25 PM
Subject: [V8] V8 TLC "Verboten"
> Hey Paul, if it took awhile to get it go, could be a collapsed brake
> hose....had it on the Pearl car,friend recently had it on his BMW 650
> Alpina, and I recently had to deal with it on the old Saab. Brake
> hoses are cheap in the scheme of things.....Tom
> BTW, I'd seen that video before...loved the music and the Vroom
> Vroom.....Sincerely, Tom
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