[V8] fuel smell

Bryan Kamerer kamerer at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 12:08:12 PST 2010

> bad fuel smell

Maybe get fresh fuel so it smells better?  I hate the smell of spoiled
gasoline.  Personally I have never encountered a "bad" fuel smell myself, I
love the smell of gasoline.  It smells like, .... "Victory" I think.
 Especially mixed with little flakes of aluminum oxide and pectin...

Ok, once I admit, I do recall a "bad" fuel smell.  But that was in a strip
club one night, where it was totally not situationally appropriate. Turns
out a Buddhist stripper was about to protest the working conditions, but in
a really self-destructive way...

OK, back to reality.  There are a number of possibilities but the real deal
is with two of you, diagnosing it will be easy - one can crank while the
other sniffs around.  Gasoline evaporates quickly enough that a minor leak
"high up" can fall on something else and then evaporate before it leaves a
trail on the ground.  So look more intently up on the fuel rails/intake area
more intently.  If there was a minor leak there, it would get sucked into
the cabin more easily, then evaporate against the hot engine before it hit
the ground.  More likely a loose connector/connection than a split line.
 Kill the spark so it doesn't fire, then it will be easier to spot.

A great Thanksgiving is always wrenching a bit and solving something arcane
but not horribly complicated, then sitting down to a great meal.  I recall a
few years ago on Thanksgiving: my dad, me, my '94 Harley Dyna Glide, and a
loose primary balancer bolt.  Then my Tennessee grandmother's cornbread
dressing and a deep fried Turkey.  Awesome.  Looks like you and your son
will have a great holiday. And if you need a recipe for real southern
cornbread dressing, email me privately.  I got it. Happy holidays.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Curtis Helton <fatboy03 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My sons 90 v8q lately has a bad fuel smell on startup. It doesn't leak any
> gas on the ground anywhere. He said it's hard to tell where the smell is
> coming from.
> Any ideas?
> He's going to bring it over this weekend and I'm going to take a peek at
> it.
> Thanks,
> Curtis
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