[V8] English repair manuals

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Tue Sep 7 13:57:46 PDT 2010

  ;) counterquestion: If your German skills would be mean, being 
optimistic, would you waste your time on posting in the German V8 forum? 
The problem is that the English skills of many people aren't even mean, 
they are worse. Hence, it would cost them more time to assemble the 
posting than actually thinking about how to solve a specific problem. 
Consequently, they stay in the German parts of the forum and we have 
hardly any non-German visitors on our pages.

And this is a real shame as many of the discussions I follow here on the 
list are way more amusing and intersting to me than what people talk in 
the German forum. Well, maybe it's cause I'm there pretty much everyday 
now since 2002 and have written 7300 postings... still, hardly any week 
passes by without new discoveries about the V8 and its specifics :)



Am 07.09.10 03:10, schrieb Kent McLean:
> Bastian Preindl wrote:
>   >  Yes, I know, that's mainly the fault of the people at audiv8.com 'cause
>   >  hardly anybody takes care of English enquries. Hopefully this becomes
>   >  better in the future!
> We're willing to drive German cars, we should be willing to learn
> to speak German, ja?  :)

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