[V8] Chips and computers

Allan Vega allanvega at comcast.net
Thu Sep 16 07:48:34 PDT 2010

That's weird......my factory 5 speed ran just fine with my auto ecu. It's also 4.2 converted car. Al

-- Sent from my Palm Pre
On Sep 16, 2010 10:23 AM, J123fs at aol.com <J123fs at aol.com> wrote: 

Finally replaced the "bad" chip with a new one in my 5 spd (ABT chip for PT 

 though I have a ABH). Which seems to work perfect...a little better on the 

upper  end.

And a while back there was some discussion if a automatic computer would  

work in a 5 spd. I can say it won't. I tried a known good unit and the car 

will  not even crank with it. 




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