[V8] Physician heal thyself: I forgot my own insurance coverage

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Apr 5 10:08:34 PDT 2011

High five, Roger!  As I was reading your account, I was expecting the
"they told me to come get the plow" at any moment, I was already
calculating it's value in V8's if you know what I mean.  

I had a similar experience with a fire and some rental property.  After
the fire, (of course only after) I actually read the policy.  Damn, I
didn't sleep that night.  ALL those pages weren't there to show what they
covered, they were there to show what wasn't covered.  In the end, it all
worked out very well, between the insurance adjuster I hired, the friends
I have in the construction business, it worked out better than I could
have hoped for.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

 "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> writes:

> Once upon a time, back around the dawn of time I was an insurance 
> agent, and

> fir tree after a wind storm.  Lucky I did.  But I approached the 
> appraisal
> and valuation of the loss with a certain element of trepidation 
> because in
> point of fact, the truck was fourteen years old, and despite its 
> impeccable,
> rust free condition, I have had far more experience with insurance 

> Thus the plow was actually insured for its full replacement value at 
> the time of loss, and all I had to do was send the insurance company 

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