[V8] brake bomb

Bryan Kamerer kamerer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 22:03:50 PDT 2011

Ok, I will look there.

Despite having one of these since, I think, 97, I have done damn little to
it.  Really nothing besides maintenance and then those damn crank sensors
last summer.  I had a timing belt fail (despite having been done on
schedule; it let go about 30k later) and I had my head rebuilt and a lot of
maintenance done then. That cost me a ton but bought me several years of
extra non-issues.  Now I need to fix a PS leak, the bomb, and a funky DS on
the LF.  Got my garage all set up now and I'm going to get it inside and up
on jacks and get to work in a few weeks.  Get it all tweaked back to
excellent shape.

I occasionally get behind the wheel of much more current cars, different
sport and luxury makes.  Nothing makes me want to pay the difference to
upgrade from my factory 91 5-speed.  Still love it, after all these years.
 Besides and SUV to tow my horse and my standard motorcycles I ride in good
weather, I can't see replacing this thing for another 100,000 miles (which
is about 20 years in my daily usage).

Redmond, WA

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:27 PM, <diemarthadie at aol.com> wrote:

>  It should be in the Audifans knowledgebase.  If it's not, it should be :)
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: cobram <cobram at juno.com>
> To: kamerer <kamerer at gmail.com>
> Cc: v8 <v8 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 1:57 pm
> Subject: Re: [V8] brake bomb
>  It's been a while, but the only thing that's easier to replace on the V8Q
> IIRC is the gas cap.
> Just make sure and pump the brakes until the pedal gets hard to relieve
> the pressure.  Basic disconnect and reconnect.
> Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
> Bryan Kamerer <kamerer at gmail.com> writes:
> > Speaking of ease, is there any place on the web that instructs on
> > brake bomb
> > R&R on the V8?  I have a replacement one here and need to do that in
> > a week
> > or two.
> >
> > Bryan
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