[V8] Another V-8 gone

Bryan Kamerer kamerer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 08:33:41 PDT 2011

Well I'm sorry to hear that.  I love my '91 5 speed and no other car I have
driven or looked at really compels me to want to change.  Picking up a one
of those 2000-ish BMW 740i "Sport" models for $10k right now is a heck of a
buy.  But it's just really not worth the difference to me; I checked them
out. I sold a BMW 535is years ago to get the V8 (wanted all-weather
capability). That and a 635is are great "driver's cars", but over time I
learned to love the V8 with a passion I NEVER had with any of many multiple
BMWs I owned before or have driven since.  I think of my V8 as my personal
equivalent of an F-111. Really wish my V8 also had the Terrain Following
Radar option like the F-111!.  Good thing it does not, really, or I would
still be taking it down-town on my own, hitting targets in the
Hanoi/Haiphong area.  I'm that passionate an anti-communist.  Woops back on
track -   Ok I admit I saw an S5 in the flesh for the first time a few days
ago and I really wanted to check it out hard; at some point I need to drive
one of those.  It doesn't have the twin Torsens of the 5-speed V8, which is
what I have learned to use and love about the car.  To my knowledge the '91
5-speed is the only car ever made with both a rear and center Torsen, which
makes it totally unique in handling.  Tricky to figure out I slowly learned.
 I had once an accident because of not understanding those unique
characteristics (not a total, but a serious accident).

These cars are, on the road, "high speed/low drag" as that Navy expression
goes.  Temperamental only rarely, a sporty and fun ride always, and with
multiple personalities and unexpected skills.

Come to think of it, they are identical to my ex-wife. Except the car's
multiple personalities are all healthy and helpful.  ;)

Mine has been off road a while from a fender-bender, insurance hassle,
general lack of time and space to deal with it on my part. I now have my
garage set up (moved late last year) and my beast is getting a total
tweaking back to A-1 condition.  I'm 44, been driving the '91 5-speed since
'97, and I am now thinking I may actually never get another large sedan
again in my life unless I were to loose it in an unrepairable crash.  In
fact, I did loose my first '91 5 speed in a bad, bad wreck on a Vermont back
road in 2001.  This is my second '91 5 speed.  Were I to get in a crash in
excess of "total value," I'd honestly kick up a few dollar my own and repair
it were it within  few grand.  I like it that much.

I'll have an SUV for trailering and some daily duties, and for city traffic
because of the slush box.  That 5-speed really gets to me in stop/go
driving, which I fortunately I do not have much of right now.  That clutch
is too long-throw/short take-up/engagement.  Clearly a sport clutch.  I
would have said until 4 years ago my V8 was my favorite ride.  But on April
3rd 2007 I was given, by a close companion, a 10-year old Peruvian Paso
stallion.  He's only 14.2 high but he rides like a Cadillac, runs to win
like Secretariat, and handles like a Ferrari. and is sexy looking like a
Lambo.  That is my favorite non-human ride by far.  I actually ride him to
get haircuts, lunch, grocery shopping, etc.  I really do.  Oops, I digress.
 I rarely do that. ;)

So I feel for you, George.  Thanks for the report - even though it's not a
great outcome to you, it's nice to hear another 'lister express his
feelings.  I would be very sad in your shoes, but I'd bounce back and move
along. Or I might spend another year looking for a cherry '91 5-speed - but
I doubt too many are left that will ever show up for sale - the owners with
the cherry ones are likely never parting at this point.  Mine will be back
to  close to "cherry" sometime in the next few months, and I'll never part
with it.

And I'll email you privately my parts requests!  Tell us what you eventually
replace it with, and why.  I think that might be interesting.

Bryan Kamerer
Redmond, WA

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 6:22 PM, <george.fallot at verizon.net> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
>   I lost my first 1990 V-8 2 or 3  years ago due
>  to a engine fire. It was black on black with 160k
> on it. It had been in the family since new.
>      Yesterday I got in an accident with my otherI'm
> 90 V8. Someone ran a red light and hit me in the
> right rear, collasping the wheel and banging up the
> rear quarter pretty well. This one only has 112k on
> it except for the tranny which came from the other
> car after the fire.
>     Of course I don't have collision, even if I did I'm
> sure the car is totaled.This one is dark blue with a
> gray interior.
>     I'm waiting for the insurance adjuster to give me
> the bad news and then I guess I'll try to part it out
> along with all the spares I've collected over the years.
>     It"s been a great run with these cars and this list
> for many years and I'll surely miss the V8's.
>   George
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