[V8] Carma

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Wed Aug 3 23:01:54 PDT 2011

Hey Scott, yeah, I had a REALLY good day today.  I have a day like  
this every 10 yrs or so.  Got the car(awsome), girlfriend decided she  
really doesn't want to leave, got a big pile of money from the job  
from hell that I've been on since March,the handmade tiles that took  
2 month's to get originally that came all broken, and the  
replacements showed up today and were off color, but the anal  
retentive engineer clients said they loved them and they are in and  
done(been sweating that for months), and found my Swiss army knife  
that's been missing for years....Oh, and a old floor stripper machine  
that I hadn't seen in years showed up in my backyard this  
morning....no note, have no idea who had borrowed it, but it's  
back.......I'm on a roll.....
Anyway, leaning on the Hubshark thing, as I'd like to avoid the  
alighnment, as it really should have all the front suspension done  
before that, but not happening anytime soon on my watch...I still  
haven't gotten the file from the owner's from day 1, but  they're there.
Just checking in on the status of the chips.....still  
available?......I'm hoping to do the first to me timing belt  
replacement on my Lago car this weekend, ....107K/whole frontend  
already done.....new hoses/pump reseal.....Happy, and thinking it  
might want a chip.....Hope all's well.....Tom 

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