[V8] Giving up?Not so fast...New Discovery

Paul DAnneo padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 5 17:10:10 PDT 2011

Looks like I need a cap and rotor. Some corrosion on the points and the rotor.
Pulled plug wires for the dr.side cap and no spark. Should have done that ohhhhhh 4 or so months ago????DUH. We even changed the dist and wires, but not the cap.
I had a wrench friend helping, and i was following his lead. Lesson learned.
Power at the coil, also a crack in the coil wire. Good spark there.
So good spark into the cap, nothing out.
Thanks Tony.

From: Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
To: Paul DAnneo <padanneo at sbcglobal.net>; Audi <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [V8] Giving up?Not so fast...New Discovery

Sounds like one of the dizzus isn't firing. Each is fed by a coil, so time to check that side coil for power, etc and make sure it's working correctly. They are interchangable as well, if you decide to swap them side to side to see if the issue moves with the coil.

Might just be a bad connector or something simple, though.


----- Original Message ----- Subject: [V8] Giving up?Not so fast...New Discovery

Hello All,
Thanks for everyones input about not giving up just yet. I haven't.
Car is moved to a suitable location for me to work on. No longer at a friend house. '91 V8 Lago. 154k.

Car starts and idles fine. Poor acceleration. Was able to drive to new location. Runs better down hill.
Car gave 2231 code, but went away. Then flashing cat's light, also went away.
I decided to pull the electrical connectors to the injectors while it was idling. Pulled # 5 not much change, if any. Pulled #6. Car sputters and dies. Same with #7, sputters and dies. #8 just like #5. Guess what. #'s 1 and 4 car sputters and dies. #'s 2 and3? No change. Running on 4 cylinders?

So, I connect an extra injector to connectors 5 and 8. The injector fires. Power there. That was the last thing I was able to accomplish before going home.
Tomorrow after work I will pull wires to see if they are firing.

I love forward progress.


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