[V8] ABT chip

j123fs at aol.com j123fs at aol.com
Fri Aug 12 11:27:04 PDT 2011

Have a great weekend, and as always - thanks for your invaluable input!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com>
To: j123fs <j123fs at aol.com>; v8 <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 1:01 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] ABT chip


 It's backwards because of the programming, no opinion can change that.  The 4.2 motronic is sequential injection and a throttle potentiometer is used instead of the 3.6 WOT switch and batch fire injection, both of which are improvements over the 3.6 computer programming and wiring.  The 4.2 motronic platform programming is what Audi used through the rest the 1990's, including on the 20vt turbo cars.  Is *something* better than nothing?  I suppose, but AFAIK, no one has done a 4.2 v8 swap using the 4.2 harness or the 4.2 ABT chip to compare 'opinion' to.  So you have the standard issue 3.6 wiring and computer because others have.  I agree you can do that, because it's been done, I've driven it, and it makes the car run.  I don't agree that a 3.6 wiring/ecu onto a 4.2 engine is not a backwards hack, because sequential injection and TPS are standard issue advancements used today.  By definition, using a 3.6 motronic on a 4.2 motor then, one steps back to a more primitive motronic, and hacked off a more advanced motronic to get there.  

Interesting to note your comments on  3.6 IA chip vs ABT.  The actual code I have for both those chips appears identical.  

Glad your car runs?

Scott J
92 V8 ABT 4.2



-----Original Message-----
From: j123fs at aol.com
To: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 10:37 am
Subject: Re: [V8] ABT chip

Got the ABT chip in my 91 (which has a 4.2 5spd), and there is a noticable 
improvement at the upper end. 
I don't think it is either a hack or a backwards move, but then again I rarely 
agree with Scott on anything. 
When I got the car many little things needed to be fixed or dialed in, and I 
switched back and forth between a stock PT computer and one with both a IA chip 
and ABT one. The IA chip is better in the low end IMHO, but the ABT was a bit 
stronger up top, with more timing advance likely helping there.

ABT chip

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