[V8] Motor mount question

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Aug 15 06:01:04 PDT 2011

Hi Tom,

that is called a "torque stop", and is not a motor mount.  The reason for the gap is that the two motor mounts for the engine have collapsed. This is an age related thing.  I think everyone on the list has had (or needs to) replace their mounts.  They are expensive too.  I did mine several years ago and I think they were about $300 then for both.

When I got my old mounts off, I could tear the center bolt out with my hands - meaning that they were not doing much to keep the motor connected to the chassis.


On Aug 14, 2011, at 11:50 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:

> Hey, spent 10 hrs today getting Lago back together and happy....It's amazing how easy everything is with that front end off.....I'd have to say today was one of my most enjoyeable mechanic events, as everything (but that crank bolt) was torqued low, and everything came apart/together relatively easy......The torn motor mount that was there had a good 1/4" of gap in it, and the used one I stole from Seamus(not stole) is in the pic, and there's about a 3/8 gap....I lifted the motor and while doing it, noticed a hairline crack in the passenger rear mount......I'm tempted to just shim up that front mount(so it won't just tear out). and the car ran juist fine as is....Anyone seen this before/is it normal.....Ex-Girlfriend did hit something at some point and am wondering if this slop is normal..  Tom
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