[V8] pickup truck "technology"

KeithT1967 at aol.com KeithT1967 at aol.com
Mon Aug 15 18:21:24 PDT 2011

> I wonder why it is that no one had yet been able or willing to  produce a
> light utility vehicle that has a relatively simple four  cylinder engine
> mounted beneath the center of the vehicle?
 They did, its called the Toyota Previa minivan. Wonderful piece  of 
machinery. You can even install the TRD supercharger kit on its underbody  mounted 
4 holer. Some actually came from the factory with a supercharger. Quite  
the rocket. Also quite a demonstration piece on exactly why its a losing  idea.
 The lack of front end placing your legs quite close to a  frontal impact 
point without the benefit of 3-400lbs of engine to provide  some protection. 
 The engine may be under the body but lack of space under there  means the 
radiator is still up front, requiring a drive to run a fan, as well as  the 
alt, a/c compressor, and p/s pump. Added complexity: ie parts to wear  out. 
Not particularly difficult to work on, but very prone to failure unless  
you're willing to put up with the noise and vibration of solid mounting  
everything to the chassis.
 Speaking of lack of space....  high center a vehicle built  like a Previa 
and guess what major system your vehicle is sitting on.... if you  said 
engine you win a prize.
 Run over a stump or large rock and guess what you're likely to  be 
replacing... engine wins again.

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