[V8] Un-explained cutting out

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 26 18:17:05 PST 2011

Allan, I'd start by pulling codes. It is convered on SJM's website. Coule be 
those, or could be an ignition system issue, or perhaps a fuel pump 
relay/trigger problem, or...............

See, pull codes first and save yourself some time. Let us know what you 
find, and we can assist from there.


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: [V8] Un-explained cutting out

> Have a '93 V8Q. Recently installed(myself) a new MAF sensor and had the 
> A/C
> charged at the service shop.  The car when cold will start and run, but
> after a few blocks starts to stutter and then will cut off (dead). When it
> first did this it started immediately and after it warmed, there appeared 
> to
> be no problem. The second time(yesterday) it cut off after a few blocks 
> and
> did not want to start initially but then it started. I had to race the
> engine to keep it going.  It again died a couple of times. Finally got it
> going and it seemed to stop the issue after it warmed up, but I took it 
> home
> as not be stuck out in the street. Could this be a problem with the 
> ignition
> reference sender or engine speed sender? I seem to remember if one them
> malfunctions the car will not start or run. And these were both changed
> about 5 years ago, even though I was not having a problem with them, it 
> was
> actually the fuel pump at that time. I only put about 3 to 4 thousand a 
> year
> on this car.  What could be the potential or most likely issues?

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