[V8] headliner repair

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Tue Feb 15 19:35:45 PST 2011

My local Joann Fabrics(chain), had a near perfect match for the Saab  
"Camel" color.....I've not had the need to do either of the worthy  
V8's, but the parts car is like being in a "Cheeto tornado" with the  
window open with all that orange foam flying about.....As I recall,  
they had a Lt-Dkgrey/black/white/taupe/Camel......and the ever  
pimpy.....Cheetah look.  I'm seriously considering the Cheetah for  
the 87 Saab turbo that's totally caved in(Silver w/burgandy velour  
interior, and possibly the Cheetah lid!)......They're price was 1/2  
of what some of the online places wanted(cheap).  If you've never  
done it, you just need to remove everything that holds the headliner  
up/remove it from the car(piece of cake on a hatchback Saab.....not  
sure where it comes out on the V8).  Wire brush on an angle grinder  
and remove all the orange "Cheeto" foam, wipe down w/ Acetone, and  
spray both the fabric, and headliner body w/ the appropriate 3M  
contact type adhesive(believe there's a high temp type/headliner  
adhesive)....2 guys at least, since as soon as the fabric makes  
contact...it's permanent, so no wrinkles.  Personally, I never even  
look up, so as long as it's not obscuring my rear window/flapping/ 
orange dust storm, I'm not too picky about what it's color might  
be.......The 5-speed has a few tacks in the rear in that dished out  
area, and if it get's much worse....might have to go Cheetah on that  

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