[V8] Blower Motor Replacement

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Feb 16 08:56:19 PST 2011

I think there is also a step inside the car where you remove some flaps or something BEFORE prying up the box.
This seems to be the part most people find difficult as it requires being a bionic pretzel for a while.

The procedure is in the manuals for the 100/200/v8 cars and is the same for all (up to '93 anyway) and it walks you right through.
Just follow the steps.


On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:04 AM, Tony and Lillie wrote:

> Iv'e done several of these, and they really aren't all that bad. I don't 
> know for sure, but I'd suspect there may be a writeup in the Audifans KB. 
> However, basically, here's how it goes (from about 7 years ago)
> Pull the wiper arms off. 13mm nut. Pull the seal between the raintray and 
> the engine bay. Pull the raintray cover. Remove the plug for the wiper 
> motor, and remove the wiper assembly. Pull the large strap that goes across 
> the top. Pull the black accordian part (about 5" in diameter) from teh 
> passenger side. This was just about the hardest part for me. Now, you should 
> be able to pry the box upward. I use a long prybar in the small square 
> hole/cover on the drivers side. It's about 1.5" square, and held in place 
> with two phillips screws. I pry on the top of the firewall, sitting a piece 
> of wood there so you don't bend it. Yes, it will bend quite easily, BTDT on 
> my first. It will take some patience to get it free, but once you do, hold 
> it in place upward. Again, wood comes in handy, put it under the box. Then, 
> there should be a clip (I think) on the drivers side at the end that holds 
> the motor in place. Pull it, and the motor will come out of the big hole on 
> the passenger side. Assembly is the reverse, as they say........
> BTW, I just buy new. It will be another 15 years before you have to go in 
> there again. And, it's enough time that I don't want to do it again.
> HTH,
> Tony
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Subject: [V8] Blower Motor Replacement
>> Looks like I have to bite the bullet and replace this.  Are there any
>> detailed descriptions or (better yet) descriptions with photos showing how
>> to do this?  I've heard there is a shortcut where you don't have to pull
>> everything out -- something about opening a box up and pulling out the
>> blower and then replacing without having to put a man on the moon.
>> Also, anyone have a blower motor for sale in good shape?
>> Thanks, 
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